I know why God gave me kids when I was young, I can't handle those little ones like Iused to. Like 49 is way old right. Well it feels it right now. I picked up my 10 and 6 year old grandsons Sat. and I just took them back home this morning. I wish I could say we accompished something other than wear me out. They never stop talking never stop moving, never rest for anything! Gosh to be so young and full of energy. I had gotten them a pogo stick, after getting it I was sure that I had just killed them, but they did good. They took it to the grass, with the belief that it wouldn't hurt so much if they fell in the grass. Hurt less yes, smell less no. They forgot about the Dog does his duty right there. Then Uncle Nathan got out there and helped them jump jump jump. Ok the pogo stick was a hitand they are both still alive.
The oldest Devon has been working on a quilt, for 2 years, but can't seem to keep his mind on it. Sews a few pieces together then off he goes. The youngest Kyler decided he wanted to make a quilt so with him I learned my lesson and chose an easier pattern. Giant 4 patch. Devon got all of his put together and I told him he could put it on my long arm and quilt it, but the thought of that big machine sent him to the bathroom with an upset tummy. Great another mess. Kyler got his top done too. Of course he just had 3 seams to do and he did rather well. Slow but well. His little arms were shaking the whole time he was sewing. I used two pre printed panels and he helped me cut out two solid squares to go with the panels. He said he wanted to put his on the big machine to quilt but ran out of the room and forgot about it till it was time to go home. I took the boys home without getting a pic of them with their tops but I will n
ext time. But here are the boys Devon at the machine and Kyler acting like the goof that he is.