Well it is really over a month since I last posted, and I have a lot of things to show you but figuring out the new camera is one of those that seem to be eluding me. I have taken pics and I downloaded them then lost them. Guess what I found some of them so here is a little eye candy for you.
This is Anita's and it is for a Grand daughter. I have seen this pattern before and it never really grabbed me, but these butterflies are gorgeous and it captured me. Well could it have been the bright purple frame out border?? So creative to put that there it really added some depth to it. Yes I likey this one! Great job as always Anita!

This is Janet's and she did this one for her Mother's birthday. What a lovely lovely present. Her color selection is spot on! and as always her piecing is so flat and square. I really wanted to keep this one. Oh lets face it I want to keep them all. I just can't believe all the patterns out there and color combos. When they come into my door I fall in love and it is like I am giving away a baby when I have to return them to their owners. Janet as 2 more here at my house one is on the machine and the other well it is one of the pics I can't find. but luckily it is still here so I could take another pic if I can't find it. But it has to be somewhere doesn't it.?

This Turquoise and Brown beauty belongs to Rose. She made this for a charity auction. I can't believe she gave it away. OH yes I can Rose is very giving. In fact in her sewing room she has my name posted on her wall with a note telling her family to call me to deal with her sewing room in case of something horrible to her. Yes very giving! She's giving me her sewing room to do with what I want. Ohh what a dream! Rose I hope you live a very very long and frabicful life.

A Triple Irish Chain by Tammy. This is for her Aunt who loves roses and green. So the background fabric has little roses. How clever to unite the two this way. Another amazing job. See once again I just marvel at the creativity of others. Tammy lives a distance from me and found a quilter or quilters closer but recently called me to see if I would do her quilt. She stated that she felt I added a little pizzazz to the quilting. You know that does a heart proud!!!! Of course she does such wonderful quilts that it is easy to put a little pizzazz to them. Keep it up Tammy love your work!

Now this quilt belongs to Patti, but was made by me and other co-workers. Patti a co-worker found out she had breast cancer again, but this time was going in for mastectomy. I wanted to make her a comfort quilt, then thought it would be nice if we all (co-workers) had a hand in it and signed our blocks, left little messages for her. I had to pick a simple block that even a beginner could do and something that would be easy to square up to all the same size. It came together so well, and she had no clue. We did all the meetings to talk about while she out to Dr appointments and then people would just walk by my area and drop their blocks off. She never noticed! Two other co worker friends stopped by after work on day and we pressed, squared up and re sewed as needed. As one was pressing I was drafting a pattern. It all just happened. I wanted it nice and soft so it has pink minkie on the back. We gave it to her the day before her surgery and her daughters sent us a pic of her in her hospital bed with it on her right before her surgery. Needless to say she came thru with flying colors and still cuddles with her quilt. She does need to get back to work , I'm having to cover for her and it's exhausting!!!

And finally this is mine. I call it Leftovers. It was just that pieces leftover from another quilt. (which is finished too but I may not have posted it. hmm need to check that) It is a wall hanging and will go in our bedroom. I have a wall quilt rack but nothing on it. So once I do the local quilt show with this it will go on my wall. Yay some color in the bedroom.
Block 1 of my Barn Quilt. last year I bought 3 different Barn quilt patterns, this is the first! don't know why but I love barn quilts!
Not a barn but a cute building! for an online building swap!!
These blocks are from a BOM from JoAnn's 2001. I bought a tote of yarn at an auction a year or so ago and just now went thru it. At the bottom I found months 6 thru 12 all together with the fabric and pattern. Block 3 -5 just had the pattern. I was talking with a friend and she thought she had the same one so we compared and she had pattern 2, I could use but neither has 1. Well I am sure I can get close to it by looking at the complete pattern pic. So patterns 1-5 will be of one fabric background and 6-12 out of another. I think it will look fine when all is said and done. We put a date of OCT 2014 of having these done and in the quilt show. I wonder if I can make it by then.

And finally I did get this top together at retreat. I wish I would have done my stripes different so I am going to add to it so the yellow isn't so...... I mean I don't even have words for it. But it was so fun to do this, just make a large Churn Dash block and cut it into 4 quarters and twist the pieces to make the zig zags. Yes fun and easy!
That's it for now, Sew on