The tote is nice and sturdy front pocket and has a zippered pocket in side. It is big enough I can carry a quilt in or all supplies for a class. Just pretty pleased with my winnings.
Then on Sunday my name was drawn for one of the winners of the Friday Night Sew In. Now I have to tell you I have never checked to see if I have won in the past for I never win anything. I wouldn't have checked this time but some wonderful people emailed me congratulations for winning FNSI. so of course I had to go check it out. And by George I did win.
I get a copy of this new book. Wahoo more patterns to drool over. Once again Thanks to Heidi and to Bobbi for hosting this. I do this Sew In quite often and it seems to help me get some things done. The book is authored by another blogger here.Check out Amanda Jean she has some really cool stuff on her blog. Be sure to go to Heidi and Bobbi's to sign up for the next FNSI. Thanks again to both ladies for hosting!!!! and to for picking me!
Nope it's not done but one step closer. This is Friendship flowers and yesterday watching basketball I
finished appliqueing all the leaves on. This is an original pattern. Last NOV at a retreat that I attend we had a challenge we had swapped out some Navy fabrics and were given the split 9-patch block and the friendship star block. We had to use the navy's and the 2 blocks. We could add any other color we wanted and we could use the blocks as many times or as little times as we wanted. This is what came up with.
As I look at this I see this block to the left yes that black and pink one. It has been hanging there for years. It is a BOM that was given to me by a secret sister years and years ago. I really ought to take it down and make it. I wonder how long it will stay there? Well I have laundry to do so I better get to it.
How beautiful, I look forward to watching your progress. Love the Get Em Done event put on by Sandi, now I just have to list all my projects. The truth will hurt!