Monday, November 2, 2009


Well I bet you thought I had forgotten about posting here. I hadn't! Vacation was wonderful, just way to much to see and not enough time to see it. Here is a pic of the view looking down the ski slope. Just a wounderous view.

It is really hard for me to get my hubby out and away from his job. See he loves his job, dairy farming! can't imagine anyone loving that but he does, I guess I should be thankful that some one loves those cows or I wouldn't have the ice cream. He seemed very quiet during the drive to Massanutten (ok I know sometimes I scare him) but the first dairy farm he saw his eyes lit up! It was like he decided that he was still on earth after all. Yes I know I need to get him out more often.

Can you see the bear in the tree? We took skyline drive in the Shenandoah State Park around one curve there were several cars parked (in the road of course) and everyone looking up. It was the cute bear! How anyone saw it I am amazed but they did and I am glad. I can see I have now seen a bear in the wild no fence between us. Of course I told Perry hurry and take the pics were there is one small bear there has to be one larger bear.

After getting back from our trip, I was on overtime at work. Yes I know I should be thankful, when so many people don't even have jobs. It just seemed to overwhelm me. I had the unpacking and laundry to get caught up on and then I had a trunk show for my 'quilting hobby'. You know I love to talk and the closer it got to the show the more worried I became. I was allotted an hour and I kept thinking I will go so far over that everyone will be bored. I decided to cut certain things out of my talk and it worked out pretty well. The show its self was 45 minutes and with the question and answers one hour five minutes! Everyone said it was wonderful and I have been asked to do tow other shows for other clubs and or events.

One of my older sisters had a birthday at this time and I didn't even get her called Sorry Marla I was thinking about you. I then went on the search for a belated birthday card. Ok I know living in this small town has it's disadvantages BUT I couldn't find (still haven't) a belated birthday card. I guess I am going to have to go to the city to shop! But by now the birthday is long gone and I am the ^%&* for not calling or sending a card. Ok so what is new I have been here before.

Then I went to a concert. I have decided to let my hair down and go a little crazy. A rock concert! Nothing to wild. In fact I really really really liked the first group CAVO and to make things better they are from my home state of Missouri. I had a really good time at the concert and went with a friend of mine that I hadn't seen in about 5 years. (she had recently moved back to this area) and is quite a few years younger than me. It was something we both needed, getting away from the riggors of everday life. Hmmm I wonder what we could be upto next!

Now I have a quilt retreat this weekend and I am teaching 2 classes. I really should be on this puter finishing up the instruction sheets but I thought I needed to catch up on the blog. I did power quilting this weekend. I needed to get some customer quilts done, so I turned on the tunes and stayed up all night (well night really but close) and quilted.

Martha's on left and the center one is Margie's Deep Purple Meets Moody Blues and the one on the right is Rose's.

Ok I think I have you upto date on what is going on with me.

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