Sunday, August 18, 2013

AQS Quilt Show Grand Rapids, MI

Took a bus trip with 50 of my fellow quilters to the AQS Quilt Show yesterday. Hadn't been to a large show in quite awhile, sometime ago I found out large busy shows weren't my thing. Love the show and vendor specials are great but with claustrophobia crowds can be a problem. I tried it again this time knowing my problem I stayed away from the crowded areas. I made it with no problems. So with that I want to say NONE OF THESE ARE MINE AND I MAKE NO CLAIM TO THESE. I JUST WANT TO SHARE A FEW OF MY FAVORITES.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! The optical illusion quilt is amazing (as are the others- it just really stands out.)

    This is a long shot, but I was wondering if you took a picture of a pink quilt with white snowflakes, Winter Wonderland. It was my first quilt to hang in a show, and I was unable to go. My designated 'picture taker' then wasn't able to either. I was hoping to have a photo to put in my scrapbook, so I'm trying to find if anyone took one.

    Thanks so much


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